Probability and Statistics

Notes about Probability and Statistics in general and Fat Chance and Probability HardvardX Course Notes

Basic Math Notes

Basic Math Notes


Single Variable Calculus Notes Differential & Integral Calculus Notes

Probability MITx 6.041x

Probability MITx 6.041x Notes

Math for Machine Learning

Math for Machine Learning


General Docker notes, concepts, commands, etc.


General GitHub Notes & GitHub Actions concepts and setup reference

AWS Notes

AWS Cloud Technical Essentials notes

Development Tools Notes

General development tools setup notes about tools like: git, p4merge, eclipse, cygwin, etc.


General git notes, git concepts, git commands reference, etc

GDB The GNU Project Debugger

General GDB notes and commands reference

Markdown Notes

Markdown reference notes to remeber how to format stuff

Travis CI

General Travis CI notes, concepts and setup reference

Visual Studio Code Notes

Visual Studio Code Notes

Firebase Notes

Firebase Setup Notes

Deployment Notes

Deploy documentation, How-to's and notes about previous deployment issues

Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies Notes

LinuxFoundationX: LFS151.x Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies course notes

Networking Fundamentals Notes

Networking Funfamentals, notes about basic networking concepts like TCP/IP, networks topologies, the Internet, etc,

Web Development Notes

Web Notes HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery and other notes about web development

TI Tiva LaunchPad TM4C123GXL Tools Setup (Windows and Linux)

Embedded Systems Shape The World Course Notes

UT.6.x Embedded Systems Shape The World Course Notes

Embedded Systems Shape The World Course Notes

UT.RTBN.12.01x: Real-Time Bluetooth Networks Shape the World Notes

Real-Time Bluetooth Networks Shape the World Course Notes

Coursera Embedded Systems

Coursera Embedded Systems Course Notes

Computation Structures MITx 6.004.x

Computation Structures MITx 6.004.x Notes

FPGAs & SystemVerilog

Notes about FPGAs, Digital Design, Verilog and SystemVerilog concepts

FPGAs Development Tools Setup

Notes, Setup and How-to's about FPGAs Development tools and Simulators

Linux System Programming

Linux System Programming notes

Linux Device Drivers Notes

Linux Device Drivers book notes

CS8803: Introduction to Operating Systems

CS8803: Introduction to Operating Systems Course Notes: OS mechanisms, abstractions concepts and essentials


LinuxFoundationX: LFS101x Introduction to Linux edx course notes

Regular Expressions Notes

Regular Expression Notes

VIM Notes

VIM Notes

Operating System Concepts Book Notes

Operating System Concepts Book Notes

Linux Notes

Linux Notes, linux stuff, bash, commands reference, Linux How-to's, etc.

Raspberry Pi Notes

Raspberry Pi Setup, Config and Reference Notes

OSMC Notes

OSMC Notes

Exploring Raspberry Pi: Interfacing to the Real World with Embedded Linux

Exploring Raspberry Pi: Interfacing to the Real World with Embedded Linux Book notes

Circuits and Electronics Notes

Circuits and Electronics MITx 6.002 Notes

GBM Academy Notes

GBM academy notes

Buddhism Through Its Scriptures HardvardX Course Notes

Notes about the practices of Buddhists across time and place. Course Buddhism through its scriptures Edx notes


Bitcoin Notes

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies CS198.1x

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies CS198.x BerkeleyX edX course notes

Ethereum & Solidity

Ethereum and Solidity Course Notes

Crypto Currencies

Crypto Coins Notes

Cryptography Notes

Basic Cryptography Notes


Notes about Python Constructs and Concepts

Interview Questions and Notes

Coding, Programming, Software interview questions, examples and references

CS50 2018 Notes

CS50 HarvardX Edx 2018 Course Notes

Python Data & Analysis Tools

Data & Analysis Tools Using Python

Clean Code SOLID Principles

Notes about SOLID Principles & Clean Coding


Notes about C++ Constructs and Concepts

MITx 6.00.1x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

MITx: 6.00.x Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python HarvardX Course Notes

Python Finance Fundamentals

Finance Data & Analysis Tools Using Python

Clean Code Design Patterns Principles

Notes about Design Patterns & Clean Coding

Clean Code TDD Principles

Notes about Test Driven Delevopment & Clean Coding

Stanford Coursera Algorithms Course

Standform Algorithms Coursera Course Notes

Software Architecture Design Notes

Software Architecture Design

System Design Notes

Notes about System Design

Automation & Testing

Notes about Automation & Testing

Design Patterns in Python

Notes about Design Patterns in Python

Clean Code

Notes about Clean Coding