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This will help me create more stuff and fix the existent content...
ssh osmc@
scp -r /d/Movies/
username: osmc password: osmc
log in to a shell to the OSMC system and execute the following command
ssh osmc@
Start connmanctl
application and execute the following commands, it should lokk like this
osmc@joseosmc:~$ connmanctl
connmanctl> technologies
connmanctl> enable wifi
Here it will probably say anything like wifi is allready on
connmanctl> scan wifi
connmanctl> agent on
connmanctl> services
This will list found networks, then use connect with the long string to the right of the network you're trying to connect to - for example
connmanctl> connect <wifi_Something> >here_managed_psk>
It wil ask you your fo passpharsse use your wifi password, after if you are remotely connected you may not get access to the platform but just disconnect/reconnect otherwise exit connmanctl
and reboot the platform
connmanctl> exit
osmc@joseosmc:~$ reboot
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This will help me create more stuff and fix the existent content...